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Providing quality education and a clear path toward a successful future are hallmarks of high-performing charter schools. Charter schools with this label may have a reputation of producing graduates who are better-suited to succeeding independently, or they may consistently excel in specific subject matter with most students performing well. There are many benefits of operating a high-performing charter school, especially when considering the success of their students and the future of the school in general. Knowing how to leverage the academic standards of high-performing charter schools in order to produce well-adjusted graduates, promote future success on an individual and school-wide level, and carry on the school’s legacy can help ensure the high-performing label remains true and grant the school additional benefits.


Student Benefits

High-performing charter schools are known for their high academic expectations. While these expectations may seem challenging, studies have shown that these expectations are largely beneficial for students. In many cases, minority students have performed better in high-performing charter schools than other traditional schools thanks to these expectations. Because students are held to high standards, these charter schools employ high-quality educators to provide superior education and provide greater opportunities for individual success. Other studies have suggested that the high standards of high-performing charter schools also reduces the practice of high-risk behaviors among students, thereby promoting the idea that these schools better provide for students’ academic success and overall health.


School Benefits

Charter schools that are determined to be high-performing earn certain authorizations including the right to increase student enrollment and the opportunity to replicate their programs in other state districts. High-performing charter schools may increase student enrollment beyond the charter’s identified capacity, but their student population cannot exceed the school’s capacity.

These schools are also presented with the opportunity to expand their educational program within the K-12 grade levels to account for any grade(s) the school does not already cover. All charter schools are limited to one new school in the state per year; high-performing charter schools that choose to expand or replicate their school programs must indicate these decisions to their sponsor prior to acting on their plans.